This was the initial project for new construction of the support facilities for the C-5 Galaxy cargo planes that were to be based at the West Virginia Air National Guard base in Martinsburg.
The project included the build-out of the 80,000 square-foot Maintenance Hanger, which was designed to fit a full C-5 plane indoors, as well as shop/maintenance areas and operational offices.
The facilities encompass a total of 173,700 square feet and are protected by 2250 sprinklers and wet pipe sprinkler, a Hi-X foam generator, and fire pump systems. A separate fire pump building was provided; inside are three 2500 gpm fire pumps taking suction off of two ground storage water tanks. The hangar bay is protected by a preaction system at the roof level and an Ansul Hi-X foam generator system consisting of sixteen foam generators to provide low level protection around the plane. The remaining areas are protected by various wet pipe sprinkler systems.
At the testing of the foam system, the system operated within the perimeters set forth by the Air National Guard on the first trip. This was first such system in the country to meet this requirement on the first test.